Sunday, August 2, 2015

Life Under The Sea

"It is a curious situation that the sea, from which life first arose should now be threatened by the activities of one form of that life. But the sea, though changed in a sinister way, will continue to exist; the threat is rather to life itself" -Rachel Carson-

Did you know that large oceans around the world have something in common? Yes there is, these are man made garbages also known as marine debris stuck underneath the ocean. These are not only found at the bottom of the oceans but also found in almost all water resources on Earth. Unfortunately, majority of its composition came from land based resources, from factories, houses and sadly from human being.

Marine debris are everywhere. Metric tons of garbages are lying at the bottom of our ocean. These debris floats on the surface and is visible on the shoreline of our beaches. This causes problem to every marine life residing at the bottom of our seas. Sea creatures get trapped, entangled and killed. Small pieces of debris are being eaten that causes sickness and death among marine animals. Even corals are destroyed that impacts the habitat of fishes and the like. But these garbages do not only cause problem to every marine life, it also affects life on land. Rubbish such as soda cans, plastic bags, and water bottles causes beach goers, swimmers and divers injuries that can affect resorts to close due to water pollution hence, impacts tourism industry. Fisherman and marine workers are also affected and faces danger when navigating the ocean. Boat propellers are damaged by marine debris that causes accident on seas. 

Marine debris is a worldwide problem but there is no easy solution to remove it but we can do something to help. As a human being we need to be responsible with our individual waste. Since we made it, we are accounted to clean it up. Do your individual research on how to join in an organization that advocate and support clean ocean. Volunteer on their program and activities. Recycle more and do creative ways to give awareness of this issue. Ultimately, the most effective and convenient way to reduce it is to not create it in the first place. We need to discipline ourselves and start caring for our water resources to bring back the life it has otherwise, we will lose twice. The life that the sea is giving us and our life itself. 

Life Under The Sea
Original painting by Beij Bien
Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 16" x 18"
July 2015

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